Make a Status Using Audio On Collaboarator

For the times when you want to share your music, audio books, and podcasts with the community.


First simply login to Collaboarator using your Spotify, Facebook, or Google Account.

Go to the Editor

When you reach your profile, click on the 3rd leftmost tab that looks like a music note.

Add Track Via File Selector

Click on the plus button in the bottom right corner. A file picker will appear where you can select any audio file from your device to upload.

Add Final Edits

Your track may need some silence or filler audio cut. You can use the isolate tool to do so. Click on the generated waveform so that it turns blue. Use the text boxes at the top of the page to select a start time and end time to isolate. Finally click the isolate button.


Click on the eject icon in the bottom right corner. A publish screen will appear where you can set a name for your track, a description which will be used as the text content for the status, some tags that will populate your track in others' following feeds, privacy settings, download prices, whether to publish all stems, and whether to allow a watermarked preview. The publish button will engage only when all required field are filled out.

Wait for Upload

A loading animation will appear when uploading. It will take a couple minutes to upload the entire track. An alert of "success" will appear when done.

View Message in the GPS Feed

Click on the 2nd tab from the left that looks like a rocket. Your posted audio will appear there and to all of those within your area. The play button may take a minute to work correctly as the processing takes a minute. Congrats!